Photo gallery

The Gallery block allows you to add a series of images to your website. Here is a selection of gallery examples. This block is available when you create a free website

Display a series of photos in only one click
  • Vertical gallery
  • Horizontal gallery
  • Preview gallery
  • Slider

Horizontal gallery

With this gallery, you can change the size of the images as well as the spacing between them. You can also add a hover effect.

Preview gallery

This gallery allows you to preview the selected image. You will also be able to change the size and spacing of the thumbnails, and to choose between various options (list position, style of the preview). You can also add a hover effect.


The slider allows you to choose between a dot or an arrow navigation. You will be able to choose an image transition effect too. Finally, you can also select various options (Full screen width, Autoplay).

Full screen width slider

This option allows you to display images in full screen